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All the Answers You Seek, In One Place

What is therapy? 


Therapy is a process of self discovery.  It provides you with an opportunity to identify problems and shed light on areas of your life that need attention.  It creates space to explore what isn’t going well without judgment or pressure to fix it. 


In therapy, you will learn tools and techniques to help you navigate life’s difficulties.  You will be provided with an opportunity to uncover your inner strengths and untapped wisdom. And you will find the room to become curious about yourself, your relationships and your life so that you can determine, alongside the support of a therapist, how best to move forward.  How often do you get the chance to sit and reflect on your life without interruptions from the outside world?  Therapy is a place for you to get the time you deserve to focus your attention on what matters most - you!  


What can I expect from therapy?


You can expect…

To be listened to and heard

To have the space and time to figure out what is important to you

To share ALL your feelings (even the hard ones) 

To sit with uncertainty 

To think about things differently

To uncover deeply held beliefs that may be getting in your way

To find your way through the pain with support and care


Do I need therapy?


If you are asking this question, I can imagine you are curious about what types of people come to therapy.  I believe therapy can benefit everyone.  Some examples of the reasons people come to therapy include:

Struggling with symptoms of anxiety and/or depression

Finding it hard to get motivated & feeling stuck

Difficulty finding meaning & joy in life 

Engaging in behaviors that feel harmful/unhealthy

Experiences of past trauma that are alive in the present 

Inability to maintain healthy and rewarding relationships

Desire to understand self on a deeper level


How often do I have to meet for therapy to be effective?


Let’s admit it, deciding to start therapy is a big commitment! It can be hard to muster up the strength to reach out for support and schedule that first appointment.  Once you have made contact with a therapist and decide to give it a go, you will most likely begin meeting on a weekly basis.


Why weekly sessions?  Establishing a pattern of weekly meetings with your therapist will allow you to settle into a rhythm so that you can conserve your emotional energy for the work that lies ahead (instead of using that energy to periodically carve out time in your week for a session, reach out to your therapist and schedule an appointment).  This momentum is important for other reasons as well.  In the beginning, you and your therapist will be working on building trust in the relationship.  Emotional safety, created by a foundation of trust, is an integral component of therapy.  It allows you the space to share the hard stuff.  As time passes and you begin to settle into therapeutic work, the weekly sessions allow just enough time (but not too much) to integrate what you have discovered in therapy into your day-to-day life.  Weekly sessions ensure the regularity needed for growth and development. 


How will I know if it is working?


This is a good question.  Clients often wonder how they will know if therapy is working since it is a hard process to measure.  I have observed many clients experience changes in their lives as they commit to this introspective work.  Some of these changes may include: more energy, less negative thoughts, a decrease in feelings of shame/guilt, better communication with loved ones and a greater tolerance for stressful situations.  Rest assured, this is something that I check in with about periodically in order to ensure that we are moving in the right direction. 


However, keep in mind that therapy is hard work.  As you reveal distressing beliefs, emotions and/or patterns of relating, difficult feelings may arise.  It is important to take a look at what surfaces for you when you are able to slow down and focus your attention inward.  Feelings are our guideposts and help us understand who we are. As you begin to shed light on the painful parts of yourself that have been buried inside, you may wonder if therapy  is helping.  This is a natural experience for many clients and is not necessarily an indication that you are moving in the wrong direction.  One thing to keep in mind is that growth can be uncomfortable.  It is a process that takes time and effort.  Give yourself time to grow, it is essential.  


How do I pay for therapy?


In order to make the payment process convenient and easy,  you will have the option to put a credit card on file, which will be charged automatically after each session.  I also accept cash and checks for payment.  I can provide a Superbill (invoice) for you to submit to your insurance company in order to receive reimbursement if you wish. 


What if I cannot afford to pay your full fee?  


I may have some sliding scale slots available for clients who cannot pay my full fee.  Please ask me about this when you reach out to inquire about my services.  Also, I can provide you with a list of low-cost therapy options available for individuals in the SF Bay Area if needed.


How do I get in touch with you?


Email is the best way to get in touch with me.  I typically check my email throughout the day and get back to clients within 24 hours of contact.  Alternatively, you can also leave me a voicemail message if that is an easier way for you to communicate.


What if I need to cancel an appointment?


You can email or leave me a voicemail message to cancel an appointment.  I require 24 hour notice of any cancelled appointments and if the cancellation is within the 24 hour window, I will charge the full fee for the missed session.  At times I may have openings in order to reschedule your appointment within the same week.  This is the best option since regularity and continuity are so important to the work.



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